Monday, January 12, 2009

My hobbies

I'm not the one who loves to roam out during holidays. I prefer sitting idle in my house having some fruits and watch movies. This does not mean I don't roam at all; it is just that I don't go out a lot during holidays. And I don't go to theater often as I'm very selective in the movies that I watch and only after I get a word of mouth that a particular film is good, I go to theater. I'm a big sports freak and I watch nearly all the sports. My first love is cricket and football.

I used to watch a lot of football during my college days and many of my friends started to watch football due to me, not that I forced them but they themselves got interested in it. And it goes without saying that I'm a Manchester United fan. And it's estimated that around 6% of the world's population are Manchester United fans. Amazing isn't it!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blogging: A Hobby on the rise

I had never heard about blogs and blogging until my second year in college. And when I came to know that it was similar to a website rather a web page, I did want to start one and maintain it. I immediately created a blog and wrote a couple of posts. But I was not able to continue writing regularly with purpose. And during my final year in college (4th year) I somehow found interest in blogs again. But this time I've been maintaining that. When I told my friends about this, they were not that much interested.

But even they realised that blogs were great way to earn some money and presently most of my friends are having a blog. I've wondered several times what was so special about blogs? And the answer which I told myself was it was a very simple tool through which you can express yourself and do a lot more. Nowadays a lot of celebrities have started to blog and their fans enjoy reading those. Blogging has become a favourite hobby for many while it continues to be the profession for a few.